We provide resources with a focus on cognitive load in PSHE, RE, Citizenship and Awareness Events. Our resources require no prior planning, preparation or previous subject knowledge.
We provide resources with a focus on cognitive load in PSHE, RE, Citizenship and Awareness Events. Our resources require no prior planning, preparation or previous subject knowledge.
PSHE / Citizenship form time tutorial resource on tax (which is often requested by pupils). The tutorial covers taxes that pupils are likely to experience and relevant topics such as tax brackets using a scenario task to demonstrate the importance of good money management, particularly for the self employed.
This is an easy to follow power point tutorial (no prior planning, printing or preparation required) so saving your valuable time. The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute tutorial but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE or Citizenship teacher. Lesson meets PSHE guidance.
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Scenario Task
Optional web based activities
Please also take a look at our other Money resources here.
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are also currently offering a £29.99 yearly subsciption which gives you access to all of our tutorial, lesson, assembly and display resources, see our website for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
This is a PSHE form time tutorial resource on the problem of online misogyny looking at some of the messages young people are currently viewing online, the impact they may have and the methods used by those looking to influence others. The ultimate aim is to help pupils understand that there are consequences to what they engage in online. Covers some of the issues arising from the emergence of Andrew Tate without making reference to him in any way. Meets PSHE Guidance
This is an easy to follow power point lesson which requires no additional planning, printing or preparation. The lesson has been planned to last for about 20-25 minutes however it is fully editable should you wish to add or remove content.
No previous knowledge in this subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist as clear feedback and guidance is provided.
We also offer this as a full 60 minute lesson resource, a complimentary tutorial on toxic masculinity here and a full lesson on online radicalisation into incel culture here.
Lesson includes -
Starter and plenary task to demonstrate learning and progression
Clear and accurate information delivered in manageable chunks
Discussion tasks and feedback slides
Engaging activities
Teacher and pupil guidance slides
Optional Rights Respecting Schools Slide
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance the memory of key information.
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
Form time tutorial / assembly resource looking at laws around teen employment including what can be done and when and the minimum wage as well as the importance of health and safety.
This is an easy to follow power point tutorial (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE or Careers teacher.
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Ask an expert further support slide
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all of our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
Tutorial / assembly resource for Time to talk day raising mental health awareness and encouraging young people to talk about their mental health. The tutorial covers why talking about mental health can be difficult and how we can support friends in doing so. You can also find a full lesson resource here.
This is an easy to follow power point tutorial (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20 -25 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so. You will need to make minor alterations for use as an assembly.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE teacher. Lesson meets PSHE guidance.
Tutorial / Assembly includes-
Clear and accurate information
Optional Rights Respecting Schools slide
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Where to go for further support slide
Video clips
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources. We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year (no auto renewal).
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
Form Time Tutorial / Assembly resource which looks at the meaning of budgeting, why it is important and how it can be done. Also available as a full lesson resource here.
This is an easy to follow power point tutorial / assembly (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE or Citizenship teacher.
Tutorial includes-
Clear and accurate information
Optional careers slide
Discussion / Consider and feedback tasks
Scenario task
Starter and plenary task
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information. This also allows you to add any branding or requirements for your own setting.
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year.
Leave us a review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
PSHE lesson resource on strategies for maintaining positive mental health. This lesson looks primarily at the possible impact of sleep, diet and different relaxation techniques on achieving positive mental health. The lesson uses a range of enganging activities to get pupils to consider small changes they could make to their own lives.
You may also be interested in our other mental health lessons which can be found here
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 60 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE teacher. Meets PSHE Guidance
Lesson Includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Video clips
Careers slide
Rights Respecting Schools Slide
Ask an expert further support slide
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year.
Leave us a review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
This is a PSHE lesson on the topic of fostering and adoption. The lesson looks at why children and young people might need fostering or adoption, what both fostering and adoption involve and why adults might chose to do them as well as the challenges which different parties might encounter.
This is an easy to follow power point tutorial (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as** one 60 minute lesson** but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE or teacher. Meets PSHE Guidance
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Video clips
Ask an expert further support slide
Starter and plenary task
Teacher and pupil guidance slides
Rights respecting schools slide
Careers slide
We also offer a tutorial / assembly resource on adoption which can be found here
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year.
Leave us a review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
Tutorial resource on Safer Internet Day 2024 looking at the theme this year which is Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online.
The tutorial covers the reason for safer internet day before encouraging pupils to discuss their life online and the possible support they would like from adults, prompts are given to encourage discussion.
This is an easy to follow power point tutorial (no prior planning, printing or preparation required) so saving your valuable time. The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute tutorial but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist it meets PSHE guidance.
Tutorial includes-
Clear and accurate information
Optional Rights Respecting Schools slide
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Where to go for further support slide
Video clips
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all of our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year. No automatic renewal.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
Tutorial resource on Safer Internet Day 2024 looking at the theme this year which is Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online.
The tutorial covers the reason for safer internet day before encouraging pupils to discuss their life online and the possible support they would like from adults, prompts are given to encourage discussion.
This is an easy to follow power point tutorial (no prior planning, printing or preparation required) so saving your valuable time. The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute tutorial but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist it meets PSHE guidance.
Tutorial includes-
Clear and accurate information
Optional Rights Respecting Schools slide
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Where to go for further support slide
Video clips
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all of our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year. No automatic renewal.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
PSHE / Citizenship lesson resource on Values. The lesson looks at who or what influences our values, what values are, how values might influence our behaviour, why it is important to be aware how our influences impact our values and fundamental British values.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 60 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced teacher.
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Challenge tasks
Guidance on writing PEEL paragraphs
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
A comprehensive list of PSHE key terms and their definitions.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all of our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year. No automatic renewal.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
A planner for the 23-24 academic year which sets out the major religious and awareness events. This planner can also be used for setting out what different year groups will cover each day, great for assemblies or form time / tutorial sessions.
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all of our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year. No automatic renewal.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
Citizenship / PSHE Form time tutorial resource which looks at ways in which people can make money, why people work and the wider role of the economy and the Bank of England.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE or Citizenship teacher. Lesson meets PSHE guidance.
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Video clip
Starter and plenary task
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all of our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year. No automatic renewal.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
PSHE form time tutorial resource looking at relationship breakdown. It covers the reasons why relationships might break down and how this can be dealt with amicably. Pupils are encouraged to consider some of the unhealthy and unkind things people may do at the end of a relationship and look for ideas of better ways to deal with the difficult feelings which may be present. The tutorial also considers the impact of relationship breakdown of adults on children. We also offer this as a full 60 minute lesson here.
You can find more of our resources on relationships here.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson. The tutorial has been planned to last for about 20-25 minutes however it is fully editable meaning that like all of our lessons, activities could be added, removed or changed. No further planning, or preparation is required before teaching this lesson so it will save you lots of time.
No previous knowledge in this subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE teacher. Meets PSHE guidance
Lesson includes -
Teacher & Pupil guidance slides
Optional UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Slide
Starter and plenary task to demonstrate learning and progression
Clear and accurate information
Scenario Task
Short, engaging tasks
Optional Careers slide
Ask an expert further support slide
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance the memory of key information.
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all of our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year. No automatic renewal.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
PSHE Form time tutorial on relaxation (mental health) which looks at, how it feels to be stressed, different ways in which we can relax, the need to avoid unhealthy coping strategies. The lesson demonstrates an understanding that different options may appeal to different people.
This is an easy to follow power point tutorial (no prior planning, printing or preparation required) so saving your valuable time. The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute tutorial but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE teacher. Lesson meets PSHE guidance.
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Optional Rights Respecting Schools slide
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Where to go for further support slide
Please also take a look at our other Mental Health resources here.
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information.
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all of our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year. No automatic renewal.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
PSHE form time tutorial resource looking at what transgender means and how transgender people may face a variety of different forms of transphobia. Ideal for use about teaching the protected characteristics.
You may like to look at our other lgbtq+ resources here.
This is an easy to follow power point tutorial (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE or Careers teacher.
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Video clip
Starter and plenary task
Optional UNCRC slide
Teacher and pupil guidance slides
Ask an expert further support slide
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all of our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year. No automatic renewal.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
PSHE form time tutorial resource which looks at the importance of family and different family types.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE teacher. Lesson meets PSHE guidance.
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Optional Rights Respecting Schools Slide
Teacher and pupil guidance slides
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all of our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year. No automatic renewal.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
PSHE / RE lesson on abortion which provides pupils with the information to allow them to come to their own informed decisions on the topic whilst also giving the views of Christians and Muslims.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 60 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE teacher.
Lesson includes-
Teacher & Pupil guidance slides
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Video clip
Ask an expert further support slide
Careers Slide
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all of our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year. No automatic renewal.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
Form time tutorial or assembly resource covering the topic of self harm / injury. Looking at reasons why people may self-injure / harm and the importance of seeking help. We also offer this topic in a full lesson resource which can be found here.
This is an easy to follow power point tutorial (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 60 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so. Use as an assembly may require very minor editing.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced teacher. Meets PSHE guidance
Tutorial / Assembly includes-
Optional Rights Respecting Schools Slide
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Video clip
Starter and plenary tasks
Ask an expert further support slide
Careers link slide
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all of our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year. No automatic renewal.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
A PSHE lesson looking at pregnancy and abortion giving clear factual information to allow young people to make informed decisions whilst being clear about and sympathetic to the Catholic viewpoints on these issues. Ideal for use in a Catholic school.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 60 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE teacher.
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Ask an expert further support slide
Scenario tasks
Optional Rights Respecting Schools Slide
Careers Slide
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